My Background
Helping people stay active and move well has always been a passion of mine, and I’ve been lucky to find a career that aligns with these values. My journey into physiotherapy began through obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Queen’s University, then a Master of Science degree in Physical Therapy through the University of Toronto, and most recently a post-professional doctorate degree in Physical Therapy through A.T. Still University.
A true nerd at heart, I firmly believe in continuing education and have received certifications in advanced manual therapy, acupuncture, concussion rehabilitation and sports taping. While I have had the opportunity to travel across the globe as a physiotherapist, I discovered I have a particular interest in home care physiotherapy.
Something about understanding a patient’s environment and seeing the barriers and challenges they need to overcome first-hand resonates with me and inspires me to constantly improve my skills.
I endeavour to stay involved in all aspects of the physiotherapy world, and am heavily involved through the University of Toronto’s Masters of Physical Therapy program and Ontario Internationally Educated Physical Therapy Bridging program as a clinical instructor and laboratory facilitator.
Outside of physiotherapy, you can find me staying active at the gym, on a badminton court, or an ultimate Frisbee field, or in the kitchen at George Brown's School for Culinary Arts.